تصویر همکاران

Hasti Aryan Tamin Company is one of the companies under Golrang Industrial Group It was established in 1389 and since 1392 it has been officially operating with. The production of tea, rice and sugar products started. Activity since 2015. The company has continued to focus on the tea and spice product group.

Despite the strong competitive environment in these markets, Hasti Aryan Tamin has been able to present various products to the market during the years of its activity, relying on capable, motivated and committed human capital and also emphasizing on value creation. Satisfy customers and consumers. This company always tries to identify and understand the needs and expectations of customers, to produce and market wonderful and unique products, and in this regard, it has put the presentation of new, unique and diverse products on its agenda.

Vision :

Entering the list of the top 100 companies in the Middle East in 1408, providing diverse, high-quality and valuable products and services to customers and consumers.


Mission :

Our mission is to identify the obvious and hidden needs of national and international customers and consumers in the field of food and beverages, and to meet them in accordance with the value chain, we provide diverse, high-quality and valuable products and services. Which leads to the increase of customer and consumer satisfaction, improvement of employees’ welfare level and continuous growth and profitability for shareholders, and of course we achieve this mission by relying on our values.

Certificates and honors:

هفتمین تندیس زرین